MAF President’s Message:
A Rewarding Time at MAF


This is my favorite time of the year. After another, what always seems too long winter, we see the changes all around us. The days are warming, almost to the point of becoming hot, all the trees have bloomed, and our lawns have turned a lush green. The weather is breaking, and summer is just around the corner.

This is also my favorite time of the year at the Michigan Architectural Foundation. We work hard all year to organize our events, plan our programs, jury the applications and submissions, and raise the important funds needed to support our programs. Now comes the fun part: we select the award winners, distribute the funds, and celebrate the achievements of those individuals and organizations that have put in the hard work to earn their grants and scholarships. It is all a vital part of reinforcing MAF’s mission of “Advancing awareness of how architecture enriches life.” As the President of our Foundation, it does not get much better than this.

This month the major focus of our newsletter is the announcements of the Evans Graham Preservation Award, the Student Scholarship winners, and the recipients of our newly established Education Awareness Grants.  Please see the individual articles in this newsletter for more detailed information about each of these MAF program award winners and please join wme to celebrate these wonderful success stories. These are indeed exciting times at the Michigan Architectural Foundation!

Douglas W. Kueffner, AIA                                                                                                                                                2022/2023 MAF President