From the Desk of MAF’s President:
With Gratitude, Humility and Excitement


As we approach the holiday season, it is common to reflect on the events of the past year and the people that surround us.  As I approach the final month of my term as President of the Michigan Architectural Foundation, three very impactful words are on my mind: Gratitude, Humility and Excitement.

I am especially grateful for our board members and for our extremely generous donors.  They are essentially the pilots and the jet fuel that continue to advance our Mission of ‘Advancing Awareness of How Architecture Enriches Life’, and the driving force behind the continued success and growth of our organization.

Every year, board members term out, and new members are elected.  It is an evolving process that keeps us fresh and focused on the future.  It is a matter of normal course, but this year seems different.  At the end of 2023 we will say goodbye to Jan Culbertson, Rae Dumke, Gene Hopkins, Cindy Pozolo and Les Tincknell.  With their departure, I estimate we are losing over 70 years of Board experience.  Wow!  When I reflect on the amount of hard work and dedication these board members have brought to MAF, I am truly humbled.  On behalf of our foundation and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for all that you have done for MAF.  Your contributions have been extremely impactful and will never be forgotten.

Looking ahead to next year, I must also say that I am very excited to welcome Elisabeth Knibbe, Kelli Herman, Norman Hammon Jr., and Dan Pitera to the MAF board.  I am also very pleased to announce and to welcome Chuck Lewis as MAF’s 2024 President, and Jeff Hausman as the new Vice President.  I believe that these new board members are extremely talented and motivated to take the reins and move MAF forward to new opportunities and continued success.

To all MAF donors, and past and future board members, your continued support of MAF is a testament that architecture does matter, and its ability to influence and enrich our lives.  As MAF and its programs continue to grow, this support will be critical to our success.  Together, we celebrate the remainder of 2023 and look forward to the coming year with promise and excitement.  As they say, ‘The best is yet to come’.  Stay tuned.

Douglas W. Kueffner, AIA                                                                                                                                                2022/2023 MAF President