From the Desk of MAF President
Doug Kueffner:
In the Spirit of Gratitude


Gratitude is at the forefront of our hearts and minds this time of the year.  Like me, you probably gathered with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving and the countless gifts that we are thankful for.  As my thoughts turn to the Michigan Architectural Foundation, I continue to reflect on gratitude.  I am most grateful for two simple things: Donors and Board members.

I have said this before (and I will continue to repeat it), Donors are the lifeblood of our Foundation.  Without you, our message is only a handful of words that make us feel good when we repeat them, but then nothing happens when the words stop.  Donors help turn words into action.  Because of your generous support, our MAF programs continue to advance our mission of increasing awareness of how architecture enriches our lives.  Your donations help us continue to: provide scholarships to Michigan architectural students, fund grants to preserve our treasured historic Michigan structures, and provide programs that help educate and expose the young people of our State to the value and impact of architecture in their lives.  We accomplish all of this only through your valued donations.  Thank you.

I am also extremely grateful for our MAF Board members.  If Donors are the lifeblood of our Foundation, then you the Board, are the energy and leadership that makes it all happen.  As President of this organization, I have observed your actions more closely this year and I am truly amazed and humbled by the amount of hard work and dedication that all of you have committed toward the advancement of our mission.  It is inspirational to see what you have accomplished this year for our Foundation.  For that, I am truly grateful.

I would also be remiss if I did not mention this.  On behalf of MAF, I would like to offer our sincere thank you to three MAF board members who will finish their terms in 2022, and who have added so much to our efforts over the years.  Lisa Demankowski, AIA, Kevin Flattery, and Mike Neville, FAIA have all contributed immensely to MAF and to our mission for architecture in Michigan.  In the spirit of generosity, all three have agreed to continue to contribute their time to MAF by remaining on some of our vital committees.  Thank you.

We continue to celebrate the remainder of 2022 and look forward to this coming year with the promise and excitement of new programs to be unveiled.  Stay tuned.


Douglas W. Kueffner, AIA                                                                                                                                    2022/2023 MAF President