Cold Weather?  Turn on the STEAM!
Engage Young Kids
With MAF’s (Free)
STEAM-based, Architecture-Related Activities


Are your kids, grandkids, and students growing more restless as outdoor temperatures continue to drop? Why not engage them with some fun (and free)  STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) based, architecture-related activities, courtesy of MAF?

MAF’s educational-based resources are designed to help nurture creativity and critical thinking in elementary school-age students while stimulating curiosity about their surroundings:

  • Let’s be Creative!  MAF’s Architecture: it’s Elementary! is a multi-disciplinary educational curriculum designed to introduce students from kindergarten through grade five to architecture and the built environment. Developed with input from Michigan educators, the curriculum provides kids with critical STEAM-related learning opportunities, through lessons and activities that engage their minds, bodies, and imaginations. Lessons can be done at home, in a classroom, or as part of an after-school program.


  • Let’s Go on an Adventure!  MAF’s ArchiTreks is a video program aimed at getting kids excited about architecture, science, and engineering through segments that take kids on neighborhood adventures to explore shapes, structures, landmarks, and preservation, and pique curiosity about their surroundings. Created by MAF in partnership with Detroit Public Television (DPTV), each of the ArchiTreks video segments airs on the Michigan Learning Channel (MLC) – and provide a great catalyst to bundle up and take a walk around your neighborhood.


  • Let’s Build our Imaginations!  MAF’s Build Imagination Book and Toy Kits help to stimulate children’s imaginations and lead them to explore architecture through reading and creative play. The Build Imagination Toy Kits are available at select libraries throughout Michigan. The Build Imagination Book Collection is housed at Birmingham’s Baldwin Library and available to borrow statewide through the intra-library loan system.