Call for Donations!
Help Support MAF’s Auction for Education


For over ten years, MAF has held an annual fundraiser to help support our mission called the
“Auction for Education”. Each year we raise the bar surpassing past goals because of our
generous partners and donors. This year the target is higher than ever! Our programs are
growing and we need your help.

How can you help?


What kind of items?
Items could include (but are not limited to):

  • Restaurant gift certificates
  • Sporting event and concert tickets
  • Artwork or Unique Gift Items
  • Wine (a very popular item!)
  • Golf packages
  • Timeshare or hotel visit packages
  •  Unique adventures for exploring Michigan

MAF remains committed to our non-profit mission, “Advancing Public Awareness of How Architecture Enriches Life”.

If you have any questions or are willing to donate an auction item, please contact anyone on the
MAF Board of Trustee you may know personally or the Auction Committee Chair Chuck Lewis
at 248-214-6493 or by email: