Executive Committee: Operates the day to day functions of the Foundation and implements strategy. Elected by the Board.
Nominations Committee: Chaired by VP and appointed by the President in the year prior to nominations.
Finance Committee: Oversees financial policy and endowment investments.
Development Committee: Develops strategy and programs in support of donor relations and fundraising.
Communications Committee: Sets editorial direction, policy and edits all communications. Directs the day to day operations of the website and its functions, and distributes email communications.
Annual Donor Event Committee: Chaired by the President, sets plan, program and budget for annual donor appreciation event.
Damian Farrell Architecture Awareness Grants Committee: Administers public awareness grants and makes recommendations for grant approvals.
Dumke Fund Committee: Develops policy and programs that guide the use of the fund.
Sustainability Task Force : Identifies strategies and initiatives related to sustainability and Michigan's built environment
Historic Preservation Committee: Administers the Evans Graham Preservation Award and fund. Appoints jury members.
K-12 Committee: Develops strategy, curates programs, and recommends programs for students.
Scholarship Committee: Administers the scholarship program, criteria and award. Appoints the jury that selects the winners.
Auction Committee: Administers and develops annual auction fundraiser for public awareness and education grant support.
Golf Committee: Administers and develops annual golf event in support of Scholarships and K-12 education.
Michigan Architecture Committee: Curates and edits the Michigan Architecture section of the website.
Fellows Fund for Equity Committee: Administers the AIAMI Fellows Fund for Equity grant and selects the recipient for the annual award.